by Mairead Cleary | May, 2016 | Ballina Area, Blog, Byron Area, Nature Connection, Outdoors, Tweed Area, Wildlife
It’s that time of year again when the humpback whales take their long migration journey (up to 10,000km in fact!) from the Antarctic seas to the subtropical waters and back again. Their journey north seemed to start late this year, and perhaps it did. The timing...
by Mairead Cleary | November, 2015 | Blog, Outdoors, Wildlife
Australia’s deadliest animal is its best kept secret! High up in the canopy of the Australian forest lurks an animal so vicious, so quick, he can strike before you’ve had a second to get your animal repellant out of your Macpac. You might have all the best...
by Mairead Cleary | October, 2015 | Blog, Nature Connection, Wildlife
My partner called me outside on Saturday afternoon. He had pulled out a plate that’s part of the barbecue and discovered a nest of mice. All of the 6 tiny furless baby mice had fallen on the ground and the mother had darted off, terrified. I knew that the most...
by Mairead Cleary | October, 2015 | Blog, Nature Connection, Wildlife
As the whale season draws to a close this month it seems appropriate we are catching the last glimpses of the humpbacks that grace our shores year after year. Humpback whales get their name from the acrobatic way they arch their back out of the water when preparing to...
by Mairead Cleary | September, 2015 | Blog, Nature Connection, Wildlife
This article was originally printed in the AnimalSpirit September newsletter and is reprinted here with permission. AnimalSpirit is an organisation run by Anna Breytenbach, a South African woman who unexpectedly shot to fame when an online documentary about her skill...