"All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking"

Friedrich Nietzsche

What the research shows

We have completely underestimated the way that the human brain is influenced by its physical environment and by the elements of the natural world.


Surrounding ourselves with nature increases levels of activity in the branch of the nervous system responsible for a calming us down.

Studies show that spending time in a forest can reduce symptoms of stress and depression and can improve our sleep.

Just being in nature, even for short periods of time can reduce stress hormones and improve our immune system’s defence. Forest bathing, as the Japanese call it, can have a long-lasting influence on our immune system’s ability to resist invasions from harmful bacteria.


Nature acts as a visual valium

Combine that with lots of international research that clearly shows that physical activity is an antidepressant and antianxiety force that brings significant mental health benefits, and walking in nature becomes a perfect remedy to cure all ills.

Nature simultaneously calms and focuses our mind, offering a deep relaxation that’s not so easily available in our busy everyday lives. The evidence is so sound that some mainstream health care providers promote nature as therapy for all sorts of illnesses.

Kids & Nature

Connection with Nature is particularly important for kid’s development in every major way – intellectually, emotionally, socially, spiritually and physically.

Nature supports creativity and problem solving, enhances their cognitive abilities, reduces ADD symptoms, increases their physical activity, improves their eyesight and helps their social relating and self-discipline.

Edith Cobb, an advocate of nature-based education, argued in 1977 that geniuses share one unique trait: transcendent experience in nature in their early years. Time in Nature boosts cognitive and learning abilities.

Richard Louv’s excellent book ‘Last Child in the Woods’ presents a growing body of research that shows why direct exposure to nature is essential for healthy childhood development as well as the physical and emotional health of children and adults.

Today could be the perfect day to take your kids outdoors and expose them to the playground of nature.

If you’re short on inspiration or ideas of where to take them pick up a copy of Byron Trails to whet your appetite.