by Mairead Cleary | July, 2018 | Ballina Area, Blog, Byron Area, Outdoors, Tweed Area
We’re right in the middle of the stunning whale watching season here in Byron Bay. From about late April to late October each year, if you spend time along Australia’s east coast you’re almost guaranteed to spot whales on their annual migration north for...
by Mairead Cleary | March, 2017 | Blog
After a long hot summer the rain we’ve been hoping for has well and truly here come….. lots of it! But while many of us will be inclined to stay under cover watch it behind the ‘safety’ of our window, there are lots of reasons to grab an...
by Mairead Cleary | February, 2017 | Blog, Byron Area, Outdoors, Walking Adventures
Byron Bay Lighthouse Cape Byron lighthouse is possibly the most iconic manmade feature in Byron Bay. Hundreds of people visit it every day to soak in the expansive panoramic views it offers from it’s unsurpassed vantage point on the most easterly headland in...
by Mairead Cleary | February, 2017 | Blog, Outdoors, Walking Adventures
With the unrelenting heat we’re experiencing this summer in Byron Bay, New Zealand makes for an attractive walking holiday right about now. The country is teaming with walking and hiking trails that range from a few hours to many days. And so I took myself off...
by Mairead Cleary | January, 2017 | Blog, Nightcap National Park, Outdoors, Walking Adventures
Walks in the Mt. Nardi area Mt Nardi can be accessed from The Channon or Nimbin. It’s a bit of a drive to get there but definitely worth it as it has some of the most beautiful rainforest walks in the Nightcap area. Tall tree ferns, walking stick palms,...
by Mairead Cleary | May, 2016 | Ballina Area, Blog, Byron Area, Nature Connection, Outdoors, Tweed Area, Wildlife
It’s that time of year again when the humpback whales take their long migration journey (up to 10,000km in fact!) from the Antarctic seas to the subtropical waters and back again. Their journey north seemed to start late this year, and perhaps it did. The timing...